Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wags of the week: Vanesa Vs. Imogen

Wow Mitch! Thanks for your Vanity Fair post. Personally, I expected more from Drogba (he's no Dion Dublin). Can only assume he's a grower and not a shower. But back to the matter at hand. Wags.
Since tonight is the big City Vs Spurs fourth place decider (come on City!), I thought it only fair to have ourselves a good old fashioned "wag-off". So without further ado, we have Vanesa Mansillo, wife of Kick It's Argentian troll, Carlos Tevez. She's in the sky blue corner fighting against (Titties man) Jermain Defoe's missus Imogen Thomas in white. Gloves on. Fight!

And the winner is.......... a draw?

Sorry Tevez, but Vanesa looks like you in a dress. And poor Imogen, as pretty as she might be, looks like she failed to get to the dry cleaners before they closed. And, if we're being perfectly honest, could probably benefit from a situp or two. Still, her choice of attire certainly seems to have caught Carlos' attention.

"¿QuĂ©? ¡Chaqueta agradable! Let's get you a leather jacket, Vanesa. Si?"

Come on City!